Found: Schaefer Hall, the POB Lab
Several of my labs in Principles of Biology consist of looking at slides of organisms through a microscope and then sketching out the cells and structures. My work might be somewhat informative and funny to look at, but I would not call it art because in my opinion. it's not good enough. It really doesn't have to be, either. I just have to show that I made an effort to observe the organism. I think that if I really put a lot of work into it, and wanted to use the sketches for some purpose other than to get a good grade, they could possibly be art, but that is not why I made them. My opinion is that not all illustrations are art. For example, a parent would not likely consider a diagram of a toy they have to put together for their child to be art. The picture is not made to make the viewer think deeply about its meaning. In my case, you can read my notes and know that these are rough sketches of leaf sections. I think what I am trying to say is that context is so important in cases like these. The type or brand of context I'm referring to is purpose, the reason why a drawing was made.
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