I wasn't quite sure what to think of Mel Chin. He was supposed to take an old abandoned house in Detroit and make it so it would pivot over the basement. He would grow nightcrawlers in the basement to sell to fishermen. Did he ever complete this project? Was it even real? He also made the videogame KNOWMAD using patterns from carpets made in the Middle East. The "revival field" was one thing I could understand and did like. It's a creative way to perform bioremediation. He says that he's not much into politics or anything, but his projects seem to have humanitarian roots.
Do you know about his current project the Operation Paydirt/Fundred Dollar Bill Project? It is real, important, profound, and involves 3 million students in support of a method to nutralize lead pollution in the soils of New Orleans that compromises the health of thousands of children. The website is www.fundred.org. Check it out, get involved, make a fundred, send it to a collection center near you (as found on the website map)!